Conference Overview
The Department of Banking and Finance (Eastern Mediterranean University) jointly with Montpellier Business School (France) organize the 4th International Conference on Banking and Finance Perspectives (ICBFP'2019).
The conference will provide a platform and an excellent opportunity for researchers, academicians, practitioners and doctoral students from all around the world to present their research, share the experience and discuss new and challenging issues in banking and finance and in a wide multidisciplinary research areas.
The conference will have sessions in English and Turkish languages.
Invited Keynote Speakers
Thorsten Beck
Professor at Cass Business School in London, UK
Duc Khuong Nguyen
Professor at IPAG Business School, France
Publication Opportunities
Conference Abstracts will be published in e-abstracts. Selected papers will be also considered for publication in the special issue of Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research (indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index), in regular issues of Eurasian Review of Business and Finance, and in the Journal of Management and Economics Research (indexed in ULAKBIM).
Full papers will undergo a review process for publication in the Springer Conference Proceedings in Business and Economics. The published Conference Proceedings will be submitted for the evaluation to the Web of Science and SCOPUS for Conference Proceedings Citation Index coverage.
March 31, 2019: New Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submission: April 27, 2019
April 21, 2019: New Deadline for Registration: April 29, 2019
May 2-3, 2019: Conference Days